Beyond Career & Tech Expo

Beyond Career and Tech Expo

View the flyer beyondexpo20251  

Cypress Creek High School
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Hudson High School
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM


• Certificate Programs
• Apprenticeship Programs
• On-the-job training Opportunities
• Employment Opportunities
• Armed Services Opportunities

New Teacher Academy

New Teacher Academy

New Teacher Academy

Our Pasco eSchool New Teacher Academy (NTA) and Florida Future Educators of America chapter is open to
ALL Pasco County Students! If you have ever considered a career in Education and want to know if it is right for you, check it out! Online classes enrolling NOW! Contact Mrs. Carter at to find out more!

Guide minds, shape futures – become a teacher!

Grow and Stay Requirements

  • Full-time teaching opportunity with Pasco Schools
  • $500.00 stipend is issued with the first paycheck
  • $500.00 stipend is issued after completing a successful first year and signing up for year two.
  • 2 years equals a $1000.00 stipend!

What is in it for you?

  1. Graduate from New Teacher Academy
  2. Graduate from 4 year College of Education program
  3. Obtain your certificate of eligibility from FDOE
  4. Opportunity for a teaching position with Pasco Schools

NTA Course Offerings

The following electives are part of the New Teacher Academy and should be taken in the order presented for the greatest benefit to you:

Introduction to the Teaching Profession

Teaching is about inspiring and empowering students to realize their potential. This course is designed to explore what it takes to be a teacher. You’ll learn about the history, purposes, issues, ethics, laws and regulations, roles, and qualifications of teaching. As you work through the course, you’ll participate in a minimum of 20 hours of guided observations and field experience in different settings. This will help you identify what teaching career path interests and suits you best, as well as effective learning environments. You’ll also build a working portfolio throughout your program, as you learn about leadership and skills opportunities offered by participating in CTS. Introduction to the Teaching Profession is the first course in the Principles of Teaching program of study in the Education and Training career cluster.

Pre-Requisites: None
Credits: 1
Estimated Completion Time: 2 segments, 32–36 weeks

Human Growth and Development

This is not a science course offering; it is a CTE course offering and the second course in the Principles of Teaching Program of Study for students interested in a career in education.

From the moment you’re born, you’re a learner. In this course, you’ll learn about different theories of development, as well as how to apply those theories to meet the varying needs of students in your classroom. You’ll also learn what can affect a student’s development, including health and safety concerns, heredity, and their environment.

Pre-Requisites: If taking the course as part of the Principles of Teaching Program of Study, Introduction to the Teaching Profession should be taken first.
Credits: 1
Estimated Completion Time: 2 segments, 32–36 weeks

Foundations of Curriculum and Instruction

This is an honors-level course. Teaching is hard work, no matter what age or grade level you are working with. You need to know how to meet the needs of a variety of learners, unpack standards, write lesson plans, create engaging lessons, and use assessments as an instructional tool, all while maintaining a solution-oriented mindset.

From teaching reading and writing skills to guiding students to think critically, the task is a big one. This course provides you with a glimpse of the classroom environment. You will continue to develop your portfolio and participate in field observations. You’ll observe children of various ages to see firsthand how teachers carry out lessons in the classroom. Most importantly, you’ll better understand the teaching profession as a unique calling.

Foundations of Curriculum and Instruction is the third and final course in the Principles of Teaching program of study in the Education and Training career cluster.

Pre-Requisites: If taking the course as part of the Principles of Teaching Program of Study, Introduction to the Teaching Profession and Human Growth and Development should be taken first.
Credits: 1
Estimated Completion Time: 2 segments, 32–36 weeks


Application for New Teacher Academy

How to Request Final Amateurism Certification

A college-bound student-athlete must request final amateurism certification before the NCAA Eligibility Center can process the student’s final certification decision.

  • Enrolling for the first time at an NCAA Division I or II school in the fall semester? Request your final amateurism certification on or after April 1 before that semester.
  • Enrolling for the first time at an NCAA Division I or II school in the winter/spring semester? Request your final amateurism certification on or after October 1 before that semester.
  • Are you an international student-athlete enrolling for the first time at a Division III school? Request your final amateurism certification on or after April 1 (fall enrollment) or October 1 (winter/spring enrollment).

Remember: Only certification accounts can request final amateurism certification.

If you are being actively recruited by an NCAA school and have a Profile Page account, transition it to the required certification account.

Steps to Request Your Final Amateurism Certification

  1. Log in at to view your dashboard.
    • On your laptop/tablet?  Select Dashboard from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen.
    • On your phone? Scroll to the bottom and click Return to Dashboard.
  2. Check your progress on your Dashboard. The first Account Creation circle must be complete prior to requesting your final amateurism certification.
  3. Ensure all sports-participation questions are up-to-date and answered, your NCAA enrollment period accurately reflects your first full-time enrollment at any NCAA school, and all amateurism-related tasks are completed.
    • You may have tasks open in the second Send Transcripts circle and still request your final amateurism certification.
    • Your enrollment period can be updated at any time. To update this field, select Account Settings from the menu and continue to the Basic Information screen, where high school graduation and
      college enrollment dates are editable on the second page.
  4. In the third box on your Dashboard, select the green “Submit Request Now” button.
  5. Select each sport for which you want to request your final amateurism certification.
  6. You may request your final amateurism certification even if you are not being recruited by an NCAA school. However, the Eligibility Center may wait to begin your certification until after an NCAA school adds you to their institutional request list. Please provide the school(s) recruiting you with your NCAA ID.

Tip: If you changed your enrollment period after requesting final certification, you will need to return to your Dashboard and re-request your final amateurism certification for each sport in the third box. If you have not requested final amateurism certification in the past, follow the steps above.

National Honor Society

National Honor Society Logo
What does NHS mean for Pasco eSchool students?

The National Honor Society (NHS) is a nationally recognized, volunteer-based club emphasizes leadership, academics and character in its criteria for student membership.  NHS members can prepare for whatever comes their way after high school. To make them college and career ready, they’ll have exclusive access to robust tools and resources:

  • Leadership development, motivation, and inspiration gained through their own chapter’s work
  • Access to innovative leadership cultivation and career exploration
  • Service projects, both by the chapter and individual, allow members to build teamwork capabilities, hone project management aptitude, and make friends
  • Unique member-only college admission resources, integrating web and social media platforms
  • Help with financing college education through a members-only scholarship search tool and the NHS Scholarship program, which, since its establishment in 1946, has awarded more than 16,000 scholarships totaling more than $12 million to seniors who best reflect the values of NHS
What does NHS mean for Pasco eSchool faculty and staff?

The National Honor Society (NHS) promotes positive school climate and provides opportunities to motivate all students to reach their greatest potential in school and in life accomplishes like no other program.  NHS recognizes your highest achieving students in grades 10-12 with a unique experience providing a springboard to life. NHS offers:

Community Service

With an NHS chapter, our school has an opportunity to strengthen its reputation in the community. Honor Society students become outstanding ambassadors for our school and undertake meaningful community service projects. In recent years, Honor Society chapters contributed an average of 1,032 hours to school and community service; $26,000 in charitable donations; and 1,000 pounds of food to local, state, and national causes. Service projects often become life-changing experiences for members who discover new passions and callings.

 Tradition of Excellence

There is only one National Honor Society. NHS has been recognizing outstanding student achievement since 1921. Starting an NHS chapter at your school is the perfect way to establish a tested framework for promoting the ideals of scholarship, service, leadership, and character.  NHS membership is a distinction that holds significance throughout a student’s academic life—and beyond.

Who is eligible for membership to the Pasco eSchool NHS Chapter?

To be eligible for membership the candidate must be a full time Pasco eSchool student and a member of the sophomore, junior, senior class. Candidates must have been in attendance at Pasco eSchool the equivalent of one semester.  The national minimum standard for scholarship shall be a cumulative scholastic average of at least 3.2. In addition to academics, candidates will also be evaluated on the basis of service, leadership, and character by a faculty council.  Eligible students will need to complete an application with at least three teacher references to be considered for induction into the National Honor Society (NHS).  Two of the references must be from current teachers.


Eligible candidates for the National Honor Society will receive an invitation via their school email, personal email on file, as well as their parent/guardian’s email on record.

Student Applications are due on February 26th BEFORE 5 PM.
Teacher recommendations on March 1st BEFORE 5 PM.

Induction Ceremony – April 6th at 6:00 PM at Pasco eSchool Headquarters


Become a BCE Student Employee

Attention Sophomore and Juniors

Would you like to work in a school office, leave school early to go to work, and earn money and a high school credit at the same time?  If so becoming a BCE student may be right for you.

You must have taken one the required courses:

Digital Information Technology #8207310

Accounting Applications #8203310

Business Entrepreneurship #8215120

Microcomputer Applications # PHSC CGS 1100

You must apply, interview, and be offered the position. Interested students should have above a 3.0 gpa, excellent attendance, and reliable transportation.

For more information about Business Cooperative Education visit: