Section 504 Plan Accommodations at Pasco eSchool

Federal law protects students with disabilities who attend public schools by requiring school districts to provide a free and appropriate public education to qualified students who may not be eligible for special education services and supports under IDEA, under Section 504. A student may be eligible under Section 504 if the student has:

  1. A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities (major life activities can include, but not limited to: walking, seeing, speaking, breathing, hearing, being able to care for oneself, etc.); OR
  2. a record of such an impairment; OR
  3. is perceived by other people to have such an impairment

Pasco County Schools provides students who qualify for Section 504 the appropriate services and accommodations as needed.

Contact Information

Grades K-3: Maria Jacobelli-Cuevas
Grade 4-6: Alexis Balic
Grades 7-8: Rena Sadler
Grade HS A-G: Susan Carr
Grades HS H-O: Selina Reker
Grade HS P-Z: Melissa Radle