Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Full-time Registration Grades K-12

Thank you for your interest in registering at Pasco eSchool as a full-time student!  Registration for the 2024-2025 school year begins on April 1st, 2024 and ends August 22nd, 2024.

To begin the application process, please read and complete the actions below to begin the application process.  After you have submitted your application and all required documentation, a representative from Pasco eSchool will review your request and update you on your application status.

If you are interested enrolling full-time in Grades 9-12 at Pasco eSchool, please first review our High School Enrollment Requirements.


Current Pasco County Schools student?

Start Your Full-time Registration Process Here:

  1. Login to the Parent Portal (where report cards appear) If you don’t already have an account you can register for a new account or add another student using the links on the page.
  2. Click your child’s picture on the left-hand side
  3. On the left side under the child’s picture click Forms Summary
  4.  In the center click Full-time Pasco eSchool Inquiry


New to Pasco County?

If your student has not previously been enrolled in the Pasco County School system, please review the information and submit your enrollment request on the Pasco County Schools enrollment page. Please ensure you have all the required documents to move forward with your child’s enrollment. You can see the required documents and information on the following pages:

· Pasco County Schools Registration Requirements

· Pasco County School Entry Requirements

Looking for Part-time Registration?

If you are not registering to become a full-time student, please return to the registration page.


Referenced from myStudent University
Create A Parent Portal Handout.docx

Parent Portal URL

Parents also have the emergency card support directions linked at the bottom of the parent portal entrance.