Middle School Courses

Our Pasco eSchool franchise serves middle school students and is open to Pasco County residents in 6th-8th grades. Students may enroll as part-time or full-time participants in this program. Public school, private school, charter school, and students new to Pasco County are eligible to apply. Full-time eSchool students are required to take six courses. Please note that out-of-county, private school, charter school, and home education students, must use the Out-of-County Registration page.

Course Information

To find information on the courses below please visit the Pasco Schools course catalog.

Courses in bold are located on myLearning (Canvas)

6th Grade

M/J Comprehensive Science 1 (A)
M/J Health Grade 6S (0.5) + Elective Choice 0.5
M/J Fitness
M/J Language Arts 1 (A)
M/J Math and ADV (A)
M/J US History (A)

Additional course information can be found by searching on the CPalms.org website

7th Grade

M/J Accelerated Math
M/J Comprehensive Science 2 (A)
M/J Civics (A) 
M/J Language Arts 2 (A)
M/J Math (A)
M/J PE* (0/5) + 0.5 Elective

8th Grade

M/J Comprehensive Science 3 (A)
M/J Language Arts 3 (A)
M/J Pre-Algebra or Algebra (H)
M/J World History (A)
High School PE* courses

 Course requires EOC

*With a PE waiver (available upon request), students may substitute PE in middle school with an elective.             

(A) or (H)- Course is offered with an Advanced or Honors option

Middle School Electives

*M/J Beginning Spanish (1.0)
M/J Business Keyboarding (0.5)
M/J Career Research and Decision Making (0.5) (8th grade)
M/J Coding Fundamentals (0.5)
M/J Compre Grade 7 (PE) (0.5)
M/J Compre Grade 8 (PE) (0.5)
M/J Computer Science Discoveries 1 (0.5)
M/J Computer Science Discoveries 2 (0.5)
M/J Creative Photography (1.0)
M/J Critical Thinking (1.0)
M/J Digital Art and Design 1 (1.0)
M/J Two-Dimensional Studio Art (1.0)

Additional course information can be found by searching on the CPalms.org website

M/J Exploring Music 1 (1.0)
M/J Fitness Grade 6 (PE) (0.5)
M/J Guitar (1.0)
M/J Health GR 6S (0.5)
M/J Peer Counseling (1.0)
M/J Visual Arts 1 (0.5)
M/J Visual Arts 2 (0.5)

Courses in bold are located on myLearning (Canvas)

*Students successfully completing M/J Beginning Spanish typically proceed to the high school level course.

High School Electives Options

Please see High School Course offerings for all high school courses
Grades will be included on the high school transcript and will be calculated into the grade point average

Semesters Electives (0.5)

Fitness Lifestyle Design
Outdoor Education
Personal Fitness
Peer Counseling 1
Peer Counseling 2

Additional course information can be found by searching on the CPalms.org website

Year Long Electives (1.0)

American Sign Language 1
French 1
German 1
Italian 1
Spanish 1
Music of the World

The HOPE graduation requirement may be met by completing the HOPE yearlong course or by completing a semester of Personal Fitness & a semester PE course (Outdoor Education or Fitness Lifestyle Design) prior to Graduation. These courses do not need to be taken at the same time.