Exceptional Student Education

Pasco eSchool supports the district’s mission by providing a comprehensive list of courses, Guidance, ESE, and staff supports. Our virtual platform offers diverse educational opportunities for a variety of learners. Pasco County Schools Student Support and Services Program

When a student who is eligible for services and accommodation under an Individual Education Plan (IEP) begins the process for enrollment in Pasco eSchool, our Student Services Team will review the student’s academic records and IEP to determine whether Pasco eSchool has the necessary staffing and supports available to provide an appropriate educational environment, in accordance with Rule 6A-6.0334, F.A.C.  Families may be required to submit copies of report cards, transcripts, and the most current IEP for review.

If the student’s IEP suggests that enrollment in our full-time virtual program is a viable option—and if the student’s academic history and records do not indicate a need for other more intensive academic or behavioral supports, the family’s request to enroll in Pasco eSchool may be approved.  Students with IEPs must meet all of the enrollment criteria established for general admission.  All necessary ESE services and related services must be available within Pasco eSchool’s current model, which includes online delivery for some services, and a clinic model at local schools for other related services—as provided by the Pasco County School district.  If comparable services are not available or not appropriate in a full-time online environment, or if Pasco eSchool’s team has concerns that a full-time online setting may not be the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) for the student, then other educational options will be discussed during the application process.  Please contact our office for more detailed information.



at: https://beess.fcim.org/sppDistrictDocSearch.aspx and the Pasco County Schools LEA Profile at https://www.fldoe.org/academics/exceptional-student-edu/data/lea-profiles/


Below is a list of courses we feel would be excellent starter courses, earning high school credit.

Social Media:


Music of the World:


Critical Thinking and Study Skills:


Peer Counseling:



In order to fulfill the graduation requirement of completion of an online class, a student would need to complete a full year of Music of the World, whereas Peer Counseling, Critical Thinking and Study Skills, and Social Media are all one-semester courses.

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Q: How do I request a T/IEP Meeting to discuss enrollment with Pasco eSchool?

A: This link will provide a form for you to complete your request:
