IMPORTANT TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION - For a list of temporary bus stops, please see our weather page.

Section 504 Plan Accommodations at Pasco eSchool

Federal law protects students with disabilities who attend public schools by requiring school districts to provide a free and appropriate public education to qualified students who may not be eligible for special education services and supports under IDEA, under Section 504. A student may be eligible under Section 504 if the student has:

  1. A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities (major life activities can include, but not limited to: walking, seeing, speaking, breathing, hearing, being able to care for oneself, etc.); OR
  2. a record of such an impairment; OR
  3. is perceived by other people to have such an impairment

Pasco County Schools provides students who qualify for Section 504 the appropriate services and accommodations as needed.

Contact Information

Grades K-3: Maria Jacobelli-Cuevas
Grade 4-6: Alexis Balic
Grades 7-8: Rena Sadler
Grade HS A-G: Susan Carr
Grades HS H-O: Selina Reker
Grade HS P-Z: Melissa Radle