Canvas Inbox

What is the Inbox?

The Inbox is a messaging tool used to communicate with a course, a group, an individual student, or a group of students. You can use the Inbox to communicate with others in your course.


  • Users display in the Inbox once they have an active enrollment in the course, and users cannot join a course unless it is published.
  • Once a course has concluded and its term date has passed, you can no longer message students in that course.

When would I use the Inbox?

When would I use the Inbox?

Use the Inbox to:

  • Send a message to someone in your course or group
  • Send a message to yourself (displays in your Sent folder)
  • Reply to messages from others in your course
  • Filter conversations by course or type
  • View and reply to assignment submission comments

You can adjust your notification settings to receive messages using external channels.

Pasco Schools Student Email

  • All students who take a Pasco eSchool course have access to email through Office 365.
  • This email address is also loaded into your myLearning / Canvas profile.
  • Pasco eSchool students will need to check their email daily.  This is the main format of communication between students and teachers.

To access your email:

1. Go to myPascoconnect

2. Click on Sign in to myPascoConnect

Sign In to myPascoconnect

3. Sign in with the following credentials:

Username: Student ID / Lunch Number

Password: Silly Password (ex. Stars21#)

Be sure to type your password correctly with upper and lower case, numbers and symbol at the end.

4. If this is your first time logging in, please re-enter your password 2 times in the pop-up box

5. Click on Office 365

Office 365 Icon

6. You will see a list of apps at the top of the screen. You can access your email by clicking on Outlook

Office 365 App options when logging in

©Pasco eSchool, Pasco County Schools